There are 1000 ways to visit Israel
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Looking for a customized trip to Israel, one that takes into consideration your special interests, your needs and desires and your budget? Read More... |  BAR/BAT MITZVA IN ISRAELFor Jewish families, the Bar or Bat Mitzvah celebration in Israel is one of the most important rites of passage for the coming of age of a young Jew. Read More... |
 JERUSALEMJerusalem is counted among those destinations that the world is looking up to.
Being the Capital of Israel, Jerusalem is vibrant with people of all ages, religions, nationalities, cultures, Read more... |  SITESComing soon... |
 TEL AVIVTel Aviv is the first Hebrew City and thus plays a very important role in the revival of the culture life in Israel. Having been founded in 1909 by a group of Jewish people for whom the life in Jaffa became overpopulated it grew to be the largest and most influential modern city it is with 450,000 people living in it. Read more |  TestimonialsComing soon.. |
 THE WALLHow do you even begin to write about the wonder that is the Old City of Jerusalem? It isn't easy to sit here writing about thousands of years of history crammed into a walled city that isn't even a half square mile Read more... |  The Israel MuseumThe Israel Museum is the largest cultural institution in the State of Israel and is ranked among the leading art and archaeology museums in the world. Read more... |
 The Gates of JerusalemJerusalem, the holy city sacred for all 3 monotheistic religions, the Capital of Israel, has long been declared an amazing touristic attraction. Jerusalem used to be considered primarily an ideal spot for pilgrims and for spiritual visitors; Read More... |  The Dead SeaComing soon... |
 ADVENTURESAdventures – Don’t skip them – Details coming soon! Read more... |